I’ve come across ‘morning pages’ term a few times in my life, however I’ve never looked into it. Recently, however, a friend of mine asked me whether I’d ever tried them. She explained what they were and said she she’s been doing them with a bunch of other friends. I felt that it is something I’d like to have a go at.
What are ‘morning pages’?
‘Morning pages’ is a kind of writing exercise, created by a poet, filmmaker, writer and creativity guru, Julia Cameron.
She explains:
Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. *There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages*–they are not high art. They are not even “writing.” They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. Do not over-think Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page…and then do three more pages tomorrow.
So I had a go.
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Few days ago I started writing my morning pages and I really like them! It’s been an interesting and powerful experience so far. My morning pages have taken me through a labyrinth of feelings and myriad of emotions, which I never knew were still buried deep inside me. Well, I didn’t know the extend of it.I’ve cried, I’ve felt sorrow, pain and sadness. I’ve felt anger and fear. I’ve felt guilt. I’ve felt relief and that I belong. But most importantly, I’ve started feeling connected with myself within. I miss this feeling of connectedness. It’s something I haven’t felt for a while now, but the one I’ve been longing for most. I believe it’ll happen more often over time, with some patience, gentle perseverance, silence, stillness, non-judgement and meditation. At the moment I feel I’ve been learning acceptance of all those feelings and thoughts that have been arising. Those I’m not a big fan of have seemed to be best teachers: I’ve been learning to accept my humanity. My plan now is to continue to write my morning pages and observe what arises.
Have you ever tried ‘morning pages’? Has it been a useful experience for you?
Glad they’re working for you and you’ve had such a powerful experience with them. I was expecting something similar but I didn’t have so many aha moments. I guess that’s because I’ve going some form of journalling for years? There’s definitely something therapeutic about jotting down your thoughts on paper.
I totally agree with you: writing things down can be really therapeutic. I’ve been journalling too, then moved onto ‘morning pages’, just to check it out, and I think now those two are kind of intertwined. I try to just let it be and let it flow, without worrying too much whether whatever I write is still morning pages or journalling. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙂
I’ve just recently tried free writing first thing in the morning – a short experiment over 5 days. And I have to say then, and the time I previously got up early and ‘allowed’ myself to work on my writing (stories, poems), I felt very very good after. It was not so much that I was writing about anything specific. Indeed, for the free writing I was not paying attention at all to what I was writing. But somehow it seems, for me at least, to be therapeutic. And the main thing that stays with me was that I felt good. So why don’t I do this more?!
I realised that I do a lot of things better in the morning,so I need to sometimes make decisions what takes priority or not. My meditation and morning pages take about 40 mins each – and I tend to stick to those, then I’d rather start working earlier too, I’d read then too if I could, do my uni work etc. etc. and at the same time I’d like to sleep longer in the mornings too 😉 Can’t have it all, I know, yet on the top of that I’m rubbish at making decisions…
It is a very cathartic process! I think it has a definite place in one’s writing life.
Yes, it can be cathartic indeed! Some bumps on the way, but all healthy in the long run. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with me 🙂
It sounds like this has been a very positive experience for you, revealing your self to you.
Yes, it has, and I’ve been trying to keep it up. Thank you for reading and your comment 🙂
Three pages sounds quite a lot. I don’t think I have three pages worth of thoughts in my head first thing in the morning!
I’m sure you do 🙂 And it doesn’t as long as you think it does. Besides it’s about writing whatever comes into your mind- coherent or not, full sentences or not. Have a go one day and let me know how it went 😀
I tried it whilst on retreat a couple of weeks back and I had plenty to write. I didn’t have a lot come up for me at the time but I did whilst meditating as I was meditating 3 times a day. I am not sure if I can sustain adding getting up even earlier before work as it is already 5.30 am to allow time for meditation and gentle mindful movement. So I may take it up again who knows thanks for the tip though. So good to hear your thoughts Karina xxx
Hey Sophie. Great that you had a go! I haven’t kept it up every day when I was in America, as sometimes my little nephew had other plans than letting me write 😉 But that’s ok as I think there are sometimes more important things than writing every day. I’m curious to see what will happen when I continue writing when am back home. Greetings from Boston airport 🙂
I’m glad you tried them and that you liked writing them. I did try it once. I think I wrote a few weeks, then I stopped, don’t know why. But it was a good experience and I enjoyed writing. Each morning I would make a coffee and sit down to write while I was drinking my coffee.
I should start doing it again.
I can imagine this scene: coffee and writing first thing in the morning- sounds lovely 🙂 I only started last week I think, skipped couple of days as had other priorities (and I felt ok with it), and I’ll try to continue as long as I feel I need it. I’m always happy to try new tools, so if you have anything to share, please do so 🙂 Thanks for reading!
I might give this a go, it sounds interesting 🙂
I think it’s a great tool indeed! Interesting process of observing own mind.