What gets you out of bed?

This is one of the questions I’ve heard so many times from different sources- discussions with people, lectures, talks, programmes, podcasts and so on. Not to mention reading it in numerous places. And usually there was pretty much one answer to it: passion. Or its synonyms.

So I was lying in bed today , thinking about my day ahead… Today I was to meet my new class for the first time. And I.Just.Couldn’t.Be.Bothered.To.Get.Up! Ok, you may think that that’s a quite natural occurrence when someone doesn’t want to go to work. But the thing is.. I really really like what I do! I like meeting new students, I like teaching them, I like looking for new challenges for them -and myself, I enjoy making up new activities, finding interesting and funny stuff for them and, most of all, having fun in the process. When I got to uni today, I felt spring in my step again, I was smiling and feeling rather elated. And I really felt like I wanted to be there. When I teach I become alive! Would you then call it ‘passion’?

So what is this business of not wanting to get up despite knowing I’m about to do what I like to do? I have no clue.  Or maybe, just maybe, all these people aren’t always truthful when they say it’s their passion that drags them out of bed… ? Maybe it’s just breakfast 😉 Or maybe, if it’s true , passion -whatever that means – doesn’t work for me. Or maybe I just simply need something else than passion to get me out of bed! But what is it?

What gets you out of bed? Do you really believe that passion can drag us out of bed every morning? Do you sometimes have this feeling that you can’t wait to get up, so you can do what you really love doing? If you do, let me know how this works for you!



14 Replies to “What gets you out of bed?”

  1. This question you’re asking, is very interesting. I think passion can motivate you to go on for the long term in pursuing what you are passionate about, what you want to create with your passion. So it’s great to be passionate about something and I want to tell you that you are lucky to have a job you love.
    When it comes to daily motivation, or to want to get out of bed, well, there are days and days. And on some days you just don’t feel like working for your passion. It happens but I don’t think it lasts, it’s more of a mood because for the long run, passion fuels our desire to continue with what we love.
    And now that I’m thinking about my mornings, I realise that what makes me get up is the idea of drinking my coffee 🙂 But what keeps me late at night not want to go to bed, is my passion.

    1. Thanks Teodora! I love your response 🙂 I’ve noticed that when people are talking about a ‘passion’, I often become stressed as I can’t pinpoint mine at the moment at all! So very often I’ve got mix feelings, i.e. I may feel guilty (!) for not being able to say what my passion actually is!
      I agree, there are ‘days and days’ 😉 Sometimes I just simply can’t be bothered, sometimes I just get up and just get on with my life.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂

      1. Hi Karina, thought of what you said and realised that my view of what passion has changed recently and I might have a different view on it than most people. Wrote an article on my blog about it. 🙂

        1. Hahaha, yeah, have just read your post and thought about my own too 🙂 Thanks for letting me know! Keep sharing your posts on LYL 😉

  2. It’s generally necessity that gets me out of bed. On days when I have to work, it’s the fact that I have to work. On days when I don’t it’s often the fact that I need to eat. I sometimes get up so late that I’m actually starving by the time I have breakfast. Isn’t apathy a terrible thing?

    1. Thanks, Paul. Well, if you accept your apathy and your life as it is, then why would it be a terrible thing 🙂 ?

  3. Yeah.. probably “passion” is overrated when it supposed to be the motivation to get up. Probably it may work in the first, initial phase of a new, passionate activity.. but after a while it becomes a routine and then it just doesn’t work anymore;-)

    What works in my case? Getting to work as soon as possible to get back to my Ania & Benjamin as early as possible 😉

    1. Amen to that! Yeah, at some point everything becomes a routine and therefore I was really thinking about whether or how those people who claim that their passions get them out of bed are (still ?) going strong. Is it at all possible? And if yes, I’d like to talk to them and hear their stories- might be really inspiring and motivating. Thanks for your comments!

  4. I’ve always had a hard time getting out of bed. I only remember two periods in life when getting out of bed was easy, and that was when I had people waiting to talk to me. One was a friend who only had an hour to talk before he had to go to bed (different timezones), and the other was a friend who woke me up so we could get to school the same time. So for me, what gets me out of bed is people willing to pay me full attention for a while, to start my day with positive interactions.

    I’ve also heard people recommend a glass of water, but I haven’t tried it yet.

    Once, as a child, I woke up at 4-5 am during the summer break to see the sun rise.

    What keeps me in bed in the morning is knowing I have a long list of chores. Knowing there’s a pile of dishes that I didn’t take care of yesterday…

    1. Dear PS, thanks for your comments and sharing your thoughts. It’s lovely to have such people to start a day in a such positive way indeed. Let’s hope we’re gonna have lots of such mornings!

  5. Guilt!!

    Knowing my dogs are downstairs and need to empty their bladders as much as I do mine , but they’re dependent on me to let them out – either that or the fear of the wrath if I don’t get up and have to face the consequences 🙂

    Passion is an ideal in.my world.

    1. Haha, I do remember those times when I had a dog too! They are, indeed, very useful with dragging people out of bed! Thanks for your thoughts.

  6. I guess, for me, it’s a mixture of priorities at times, stuff I want to get done. That and sunshine. Always easier to get out of bed on a sunny day. Easier in Portugal than in England! ??

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